A.S.E Computer Services has always steered clear of CCTV installations and support. In our opinion it has often been a blend of IT and Electrical work. Recently an opportunity arose where ASE Computers were able to turn it into a Pure IT project. We took Mobotix IP cameras and the World’s First Cloud 100% VMS ( EagleEye Networks ) and blended them together to bring our client a fully scalable, 100% Management, recording, viewing ability across their ever growing estate of 12 sites.
We delivered an incredible solution to our client whilst maintaining great relationships with Mobotix, Eagle Eye and ASE Computers. Eagle Eye is a camera agnostic vendor and the simple single pain of glass access to their platform is one of the best IT solutions we have seen in a number of years. Their enthusiasm to be better and listen to feed back and tailor their solution to individual clients is second to none.
Purchasing suitable hardware and software is vital for each client. Whilst IP CCTV is new to ASE Computers staff have attended in 2020 training with Mobotix, Eagle Eye Networks and HikVision passing the relevant accreditations in all three companies.
One great advantage for you as a customer is we can install the CCTV solution as a stand-alone solution not requiring any interaction with your current IT infrastructure allowing you to see the benefits of this solution and ASE Computers without treading on the toes of your current suppliers or staff. Once you have seen it you would of course be welcome to invite ASE Computers to look at other areas of your business.

How it works
The Eagle Eye Solution works on Cloud Storage, no on premise NAS box to stress about no PC requiring specific RAM or Graphics, just a web browser! A bridge device, this is more of a buffer than an NVR, it organises the cameras on site and then the data is uploaded to their platform and your web browser views it from their cloud. Therefore, any bridge on any site uploads it to a UK datacentre and allows the customer to see all sites. The data is encrypted from Camera to Bridge, from Bridge to datacentre and from their datacentre to your Web Browser.Readmore..

What would you like to see it on? Apple Use Safari, Windows use Chrome, Brave or other web browsers, IOS and Android use the App. You can add Cameras and bridges via the Apps you can create layouts and download footage. You can add users and delete users and full user access audit logs are available. TAG to your hearts content. TAGS can be quickly and efficiently search and the returned results are very powerful.

A.S.E Computers were instrumental in delivering a successful blend of Mobotix and Eagle Eye Networks for Gravity Fitness Limited. Eagle Eye Networks will however work with any ONVIF compliant camera meaning you can bring together the best of breeds and have an awesome CCTV cloud-based solution without worrying about disk failures in your NVRs. You do not need to worry about the "thieves" stealing the evidence as it has been uploaded to the cloud by the time, they find the bridge. A.S.E Computers has mainly used the Mobotix indoor cameras although others have been used where they already existed.Readmore..